The detonation of home-made bombs continues to cause fear across the country. Sometimes, potential bombers reveal their intentions when their explosive devices go off when an explosion was not planned. A man in Amarillo was recently arrested after an explosion in his...

Year: 2021
What if I am contacted by Child Protective Investigations?
Investigators with Child Protective Investigations are government employees whose job is to investigate possible child abuse and neglect. They are required to conduct investigations of reports they receive from the public of suspected abuse and neglect. If a Kaufman...
Texas first state to make paying for sex a felony
When a Texas resident is facing a sex crime, they can feel like everyone is against them. Sex crimes in Texas are aggressively prosecuted and there are many ways in which legislators are increasing punishments for sex crimes. A recent bill was passed and signed into...
Same-sex couples face unique issues in a divorce
Same sex marriage was made legal throughout the U.S. in 2015 and since then there have been many same-sex marriages undergone by couples in Texas who have waited years to say their marriage vows and have their union publicly recognized. Just like heterosexual...
When is assault a felony in Texas?
Accusations of assault are serious. Some assault charges are misdemeanors, but others may be classified as felonies. There are specific circumstances when a Texas resident may face felony assault crimes instead of misdemeanors. This post will discuss some of the...
What are the potential penalties for a robbery?
Being charged with a crime in Texas is something that needs to be taken seriously. There are many different types of crimes though and people face a number of different potential penalties based on the type of crime that is committed. Misdemeanor level offenses...
Sexual assault and parental rights in Texas
Sometimes arguments between parents become heated, and allegations are thrown back and forth. Eventually, you may find yourself facing charges of sexual assault. You may be very concerned about whether you may see your children moving forward. This is a valid concern....
Recent Texas execution raising concerns for capital punishment
Serious crimes, such as murder, are part of society. As a means to reduce and deter individuals from commit such heinous crimes, some states, like Texas, institute capital punishment. Capital punishment involves the death penalty, and it is an available punishment for...
Two ways to divorce without resorting to litigation
Not every divorcing couple in Texas necessarily wants their marriage to end in a dramatic courtroom show-down. There are alternative dispute resolution options for settling a divorce in a more amicable manner, including mediation and collaborative law. Mediating your...
What are the elements of a murder charge in Texas?
Allegedly criminal actions are punished severely under Texas law. When an individual is charged with a crime that resulted in the death of another person, their sanctions and sentence for their alleged actions can be serious. Felony charges that result in convictions...